MDR Antivirus

Managed Detection and Response (MDR): the proactive security system.

Nips cyber threats in the bud

La data security enterprise is an increasingly important priority, but traditional protection solutions are often insufficient to counter emerging cyber threats.

The term antivirus today turns out to be too generic.

A distinction must be made between the various types of antivirus to understand why it is necessary, given today's cyber threat landscape, to adopt a type antivirus system MDR, which integrates the work of classic antivirus and Endpoint Protection to behavioral analysis and SOC.


They only block threats that are already known


They block already known threats and detect suspicious elements


More elaborate analysis software that analyzes the behavior of what was detected


Operations center monitors traffic h24 and takes action to solve the problem

MDR is a proactive and intelligent system which monitors traffic network and analyzes the behavior of the operating system for identify suspicious activities e Nipping potential threats in the bud, preventing irreparable damage.

The information collected is transmitted to the our SOC (Security Operation Center) located at the OGR Tech Turin manned by certified cybersecurity analysts, to ensure a timely response and a always-on support In case of need.

In addition, considering that work is increasingly done from mobile devices, we also offer a service of protection for Android and IOS devices with Enterprise-grade technologies that integrate cloud app security and email security solutions.

MDR Antivirus

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