Privacy Policy HRC Events


HRC Events Privacy Policy


Pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 ("Regulation") and current legislation, Human Resource Consulting S.r.l. with registered office in Turin, Via Felice Romani, 25, the Data Controller of your personal data (from now on, also the "Society"), in the person of the Legal Representative, provides you with the following information regarding their use.

Purposes of the processing for which the data are intended
The data will be processed exclusively for purposes strictly related to the conduct, through the use of online platforms, of the event in question and, unless you object, for sending documentation related to the event (educational material, material developed during the event, further material preparatory or consequent to the event) and for sending newsletters in connection with further events organized by the Company online or in the presence of similar or similar content.

Legal basis for processing
The legal basis for data processing is your free consent. This consent is expressed when registering for the event. Regarding the sending of communications to the e-mail address, indicated at the time of event registration, this is done pursuant to Article 6, letter f of the Regulations ("legitimate interest of the Data Controller"). You may notify us, at any time, of your wish not to receive further communications from our Company.

Obligation to provide data
The provision of data is optional, but necessary in order to enable participation in the event you wish to register for.

Methods of data processing
In relation to the stated purposes, the processing of personal data may be carried out using manual, computer and telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in such a way as to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.

Length of data retention
In accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, data will not be kept for longer periods than are indispensable for the fulfillment of the above purposes. Specifically, the online event will not be recorded unless expressly and in advance participants are made aware of the following. E-mail addresses will be retained and used for the sole purpose of sending notices of further events, until requested to be deleted by those concerned and, in any case, no later than two years after their last use.

Communication and dissemination of data
Personal data, collected for the above purposes will not be disclosed and/or disseminated.
Authorized Processing Officers assigned to the pursuit of the purposes described above may become aware (even partially) of your data.

Rights of data subjects
The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification (Art. 15 and 16 Regulations).
In addition, data subjects have the right to request, if the conditions are met, the deletion, limitation of processing, and portability of data as well as to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority and to object in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing (Art. 17 ff. of the Regulation).
Inquiries should be addressed to:

Data controller
The data controller is Human Resource Consulting S.r.l., with registered office in Turin, Italy, Via Felice Romani, 25.