The vacations are upon us, but here at HRC, our commitment to keeping you up-to-date on the latest technology never stops! We are excited to announce our next event: the CyberSecurityTour in Turin. In collaboration with Sophos, one of our long-standing partners, we have created an educational, enjoyable and fun experience for you, which will be held on the September 20.

Let's find out together what the CyberSecurityTour consists of!

Dealing with Cyber Threats: Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent. According to recent statistics, 72% of organizations reported an increase in the number of attacks in the past year, while ransomware affected 78% more organizations than last year. Cybersecurity has become a crucial priority as 69% of IT managers have seen an increase in related workloads.

The Challenge of Technology: Organizations rely on an average of more than 46 cybersecurity monitoring tools, but most security teams find themselves overwhelmed with alerts and reporting. The investment in cybersecurity is significant, with an average cost of $7,500 per employee. However, in a highly competitive market, the most critical aspect is attracting and retaining cybersecurity experts.

Technology alone is no longer enough to protect organizations from cyber threats. What you need is a service run by experts who can monitor 24/7 the enterprise infrastructure and seamlessly integrate with the tools already used in the enterprise. Detecting threats is only the beginning; a proactive and strategic approach must be taken to effectively counter them.

Join Mauro Pisoni, Senior Sales Engineer at Sophos Italy and to our CTO Nino D'Amico the September 20 for our CyberSecurityTour dedicated to security, learn more about how to meet the challenges and know the best methods to counter current threats, we invite you to attend our event on Sept. 20 at the Circle of Design St. Francis of Paola Street, 17.

The event will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will be completely free, but places are limited, so hurry!

Historic Turin Trains - CyberSecurityTour

Exclusive Aperitivo and Tour of Turin: From 5:00 p.m., after the training event, we have prepared an exclusive appetizer for you to continue the discussions on cybersecurity and share your curiosities with our experts. And it doesn't end there! You will have the opportunity to explore one of Italy's most beautiful cities, Turin, with a tour on a historic streetcar while enjoying a delicious aperitif.

Cybersecurity is a rapidly evolving priority, and our event will provide you with the information and resources you need to meet the challenges ahead. Don't miss this opportunity for learning, networking, and fun! Be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible.

We are waiting for you!


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