Vacation tips

It's time to leave, but first make sure you're safe with our tips

  1. Before leaving, back up all your devices! You don't want to lose important photos or messages in case of loss or malfunction?
  2. Choose strong passwords! Avoid obvious combinations such as "12345," your year of birth or your pet's name. We recommend that you put effort into creating secure passwords.
  3. Increase the security of your connection: Avoid accessing public Wi-Fi and consider using a solution VPN to protect your data traffic. You could set your devices to not automatically connect to unfamiliar or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. This way, you will avoid unintentionally connecting to malicious or unsafe networks.
  4. Do not use home banking or online payment services when you are connected to public hotspots or unsecured networks. Also, notify your bank and your data plan provider: if you plan to travel abroad, notify your bank and your data plan provider to avoid suspicious transactions or inconveniences with your connection while traveling.
  5. Pay attention to emails and messages! Even on vacation, avoid opening links or attachments from unknown sources. We recommend that you access only when you are not distracted.
  6. Update all your devices and software: Before you leave for vacation, make sure you have all your devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) and installed applications updated with the latest security patches. The latest versions often include vulnerability fixes that can protect you from potential threats.
  7. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication for all your online accounts, such as email, social media and banking services. This additional measure makes it more difficult for the cyber criminals access your accounts even if they manage to find out your password.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your vacation safely and without worry. Always remember to be cautious and careful when using online devices and services while traveling.

Have a safe journey and good digital security!


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